Mihai Popescu, fundașul FCSB, a comis o gafă uriașă în amicalul cu Dinamo Kiev și riscă să nu mai prindă primul „11”. Dacă vede cum a greșit fundașul său, Gigi Becali nu-l va mai băga […] The post Dacă o vede Gigi Becali pe asta, nu mai prinde primul 11 multă vreme de acum încolo. Greșeala uriașă pe care Mihai Popescu a făcut-o la primul gol al lui Dinamo Kiev appeared first on Prosport.
The text is accusing Mihai Popescu of a major mistake during a soccer game that likely led to a goal for the opposing team, Dinamo Kiev. It implies that Gigi Becali, a powerful figure in Romanian soccer, will be very unhappy with Popescu's error and that it will result in Popescu being dropped from the starting lineup for a long time.
Essentially, the main idea is that Popescu's blunder has potentially serious consequences for his playing time due to the scrutiny of Gigi Becali.
The text is accusing Mihai Popescu of a major mistake during a soccer game that likely led to a goal for the opposing team, Dinamo Kiev. It implies that Gigi Becali, a powerful figure in Romanian soccer, will be very unhappy with Popescu's error and that it will result in Popescu being dropped from the starting lineup for a long time. Essentially, the main idea is that Popescu's blunder has potentially serious consequences for his playing time due to the scrutiny of Gigi Becali.